Today's Verse

“Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—in peace because they trust in you” -Isaiah 26:3

Sometimes I’ll start the day off determined to be positive. I'll say to myself “I will have a peaceful day no matter what.” Then something unexpected comes up, something else interrupts my schedule for the day, or a health issue arises. It doesn’t take long before I’m frazzled, worn out, and not having a very good day. However, I have to stop and remember that my peace should not be based on circumstances, because peace is a gift from God in all situations. So, when unexpected things come up, instead of giving in to the chaos, I’m going to try something different. I’m going to take a deep breath or two, re-focus, and remember that my peace comes from God. He will help me through any difficulty because He is my peace. I can have a wonderful day no matter what when my mind is fixed on Him. - Commentary by Traci Elliott

Today's Prayer

Heavenly Father, we thank You, for always being our peace in chaotic times and in good times. Help us to find our peace in You always. Amen.

Thank you everyone for financially supporting us in our global ministry. You are an inspiration to all of us here at TGD. We are so grateful!

Have a Blessed Day, 

The Gospel Daily